Request for Proposals: Recreation, Entertainment, and Event Facility Market Assessment and Economic Development Strategy

The Great Falls Development Authority, Inc. (GFDA) seeks proposals to conduct a market assessment of recreation, entertainment, and event facility demand in the Great Falls Montana trade area and to use the market demand assessment to develop a Recreation, Entertainment, and Event Facility Economic Development Strategy for GFDA and partners to pursue the identified opportunities. The purpose of the project is to determine market demand for: increased indoor and outdoor recreation opportunities; increased entertainment options; and indoor and outdoor event facilities. And to develop an economic development strategy that we can implement over the next 3-5 years to support expansion and diversification of recreation, entertainment and even facility private business offerings in our trade area.
Proposals are due by 5:00pm MST on Wednesday, November 27, 2024.
CLICK BELOW to view the full RFP:
GFDA Recreation, Entertainment, and Event Facility RFP 10-17-24